
I missed the past session because I was busy ” snowboarding ” with my MT Snow club  (which to me it means sliding down a hill praying that I don’t fall ) . Nichole happened to miss it too . After hearing the positive responses from those attending we asked Todd if he’d come to MT and give us an overview of what he presented . Todd graciously met us after school and we had a great conversation about Instructional leadership , coaching and Dealing with Difficult people . Again Thank you Todd : )

The First thing he said was that we are not adequately prepared to have the tough conversations and most people are not comfortable having to do them . He mentioned that we should be formally trained to have professional conversations.

  1. Now , Ideas – Where do we go for this Training ? 

Todd brought up a term ” Relational Bank ” and that we need to deposit positives and get a healthy amount in the bank that when we have to withdrawal with some negatives ( tough conversations ) it doesn’t  hurt as much because we spent time building the relationship. When its time, put all issues on the table and make it clear what is happening . Let the person know you are there to help and stress to teachers GROWTH is key. One of the best things about being in Admin is that you get to work with all members of a school community and have countless opportunities to build trust .

Being a new Principal I knew this would be an area to show growth and improve . I knew I’d have to make a transition from Teaching Colleague to School leader ; and how people will have different expectations of me . After the readings and Todd’s conversation with Nichole and I , I noted that one area that I needed to improve was being a filter to the staff. Every school will have the ” Negative Nancy/ Norm ” and these people will find others and unload their stresses and problems . I’ve tried to be a filter and “Protect ”  others from being bombarded . It’s a great analogy but has a harsh connotation, But negativity is like a cancer and can spread quickly  . However if treated properly its possible to remove it or slow it’s growth . 

  1. Footnote: Thanks Nichole for the Edits and Suggestions : ) 

Be consistent and Show Professional Fairness 


3 thoughts on “#Bethefilter

  1. Collin Dillon

    Hey Cam,

    Nice post and good on you for bringing Todd in to bring you up to speed on his great presentation.

    As a leader, you’re right, you have a great opportunity to transform the culture of your school so that negative environment is limited or non existent and that starts at the top. If you model a positive, approachable, welcoming environment it will become contagious and spread throughout the building.

    Thanks for the post,



  2. mrshawnallison

    Nice post Cam! The relational bank – a great way to view the building of and maintaing of relationships. As a leader, it’s crucial the work on adding positive “coinage” into that bank ASAP and as much as possible. Starting with all positive first interactions with staff and then continuing to foster/maintain these positive interactions later. As you spend more years in this position, I’m sure it will become much easier!

    Here’s a question for ya, If the bank is broke then what? 😉


    1. cmacmillan

      Don’t go broke attempting to fix a bank that won’t help itself. We should provide opportunities for growth and a re-build . But at certain point, you have other banks that need help.

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